Eggplant Public API
Version 1.0
Path Table
Method | Path | Description |
POST | /auth | Obtain an access token from a client ID and secret |
GET | /test_results | List test results |
GET | /test_results/{test_result_id} | Get the result of a single test |
GET | /test_results/{test_result_id}/logs | Get the logs for a single test |
GET | /test_results/{test_result_id}/screenshots | List the available screenshots for a test |
GET | /screenshots/{screenshot_id} | Download a screenshot for a test result |
Reference Table
Name | Type | Description |
AuthRequestBody | Schema | |
AuthResponseBody | Schema | |
HTTPValidationError | Schema | |
Problem | Schema | |
RunType | Schema | The possible run types for a particular test result. |
Screenshot | Schema | Info of an available screenshot for a particular test result. |
ScreenshotsPaginatedList | Schema | A paginated list of a single test result's screenshots available. |
Severity | Schema | The severity levels of a single test result log entry. |
SortBy | Schema | The possible sorting options available for sorting a list of test results. |
SortDirection | Schema | The possible direction applied during sorting. |
Status | Schema | The possible statuses for a particular test result. |
TestResult | Schema | The test result containing all the information for a single exploratory, replay or test case execution. |
TestResultLogEntriesPaginatedList | Schema | A paginated list of a single test result's log entries. |
TestResultLogEntry | Schema | A single log entry from a particular test result. |
TestResultsPaginatedList | Schema | A paginated list of the test results. |
ValidationError | Schema |
Path Details
[POST] /auth
Obtain an access token from a client ID and secret
client_id: string
client_secret: string
200 OK
access_token: string
expires_in: integer
401 Unauthorized
status: integer //default: 400
title: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
detail: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
type: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
422 Validation Error
detail: {
loc: Partial(string) & Partial(integer)[]
msg: string
type: string
[GET] /test_results
List test results
Gets a paginated list of test results matching the filters applied.
Parameters (Query)
// The number of test results at the beginning which matches the filters applied but will be excluded from the returned list.
offset: integer
// The maximum number of test results that will be returned.<br>*Note*: The limit's maximum value can be changed by setting the LIMIT_MAX_VALUE in your system environment variables. Allowable range for LIMIT_MAX_VALUE is 1000-2147483647 inclusive.
limit: integer //default: 1000
// The key used to determine the order of the returned test result items.
sort_by: SortBy
// The order direction applied to the test result items during sorting.
sort_direction: SortDirection
// Filter the test results by a particular test result status.
status: Status
// Filter the test results to obtain those which started after the given time.<br>
// *Default value* : null
start_time: string
// Filter the test results to obtain those which ended before the given time.<br>
// *Default value* : null
end_time: string
// Filter the test results to obtain the test results which uses the model matching the given model_id.<br>
// *Default value* : null
model_id: string
// Filter the test results to obtain the scripted test results which uses the suite matching the given suite_id.<br>
// *Default value* : null
suite_id: string
// Obtain all the test results for the given test_case_id.<br>
// *Default value* : null
test_case_id: string
// Obtain all the test results which uses this execution_environment_id for execution.<br>
// *Default value* : null
execution_environment_id: integer
// Obtain all the test results which uses the sut matching this sut_id for execution.<br>
// *Default value* : null
sut_id: string
// Obtain all the test results which are part of a test config run matching the given task_instance_id.<br>
// *Default value* : null
test_config_result_id: string
// Obtain all the test results of the given test_config_id.<br>
// *Default value* : null
test_config_id: string
// The access_token that is returned from the POST /auth endpoint.
authorization: string
200 OK
// A paginated list of the test results.
// The total number of items that matches the request before any limit or offset are applied.
total_count: integer
// The date and time when this request was made.
date_as_of: string
// The test result containing all the information for a single exploratory, replay or test case execution.
items: {
// The test result id.
id: integer
// The possible statuses for a particular test result.
// The possible run types for a particular test result.
// Whether this test result was part of a test config configured rerun attempt.
is_rerun: boolean
// The time the test run started.
start_time: string
// The time the test run completed. If it is still running, this will be null.
end_time: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The name of the model used for the test execution. If this was a scripted test case result, this will be null.
model_name: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The id of the model used for the test execution. If this was a scripted test case result, this will be null.
model_id: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The name of the suite used for the test execution.
suite_name: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The id of the suite used for the test execution.
suite_id: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The name of the test case that is being executed. For an exploratory or replay test result, this will be null.
test_case_name: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The id of the test case that was executed. For an exploratory or replay test result, this will be null.
test_case_id: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The name of the design or run agent used for the test execution
execution_environment_name: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The id of the design or run agent used for the test execution.
execution_environment_id: Partial(integer) & Partial(null)
// The name of the SUT used for the test execution.
sut_name: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The id of the SUT used for the test execution.
sut_id: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The id of the test config result that this test result is part of. For a live run, this will be null.
test_config_result_id: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
// The test config step of which this test result represents. This is zero-indexed and for a live run result, this will be null.
test_config_step: Partial(integer) & Partial(null)
400 Bad request
status: integer //default: 400
title: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
detail: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
type: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
401 Unauthorized
status: integer //default: 400
title: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
detail: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
type: Partial(string) & Partial(null)
422 Validation Error
detail: {
loc: Partial(string) & Partial(integer)[]
msg: string
type: string
[GET] /test_results/{test_result_id}
Get the result of a single test
Gets the test result of the given test_result_id.
// The access_token that is returned from the POST /auth endpoint.
authorization: string